School Club

English Club (Ms. Riani)
Math Club (Mr. Alfons)
Basketball (Mr. Puji)
Soccer (Mr. Akbar & Mr. Jun)
Guitar (Mr. Stefanus)
Science Club (Ms. Eka & Ms. Meri)
Jurnalictic (Ms. Ellen)
Computer (Ms. Eri)

Candle Tree School History

Candle Tree is a school that built at Melati Mas blok E7 No.1 in 2002, it was a playground and  in July 1st 2005 Candle Tree make another school at Jati Jelupang road No.1 Serpong, it was SD and now the principal in SD is Mr. Agus. Candle Tree SMP's was built in 2006 and the principal is Mr.Sunaryo and the SMA was built at 2008 and now the principal is Mr.Sipri.
